I am grateful you are here.
Reading this page might lead to the most important decision you have ever made in your life. A decision that could transform your life and the lives of those around you.
First a little backstory…
Yesterday, ‘Pacivida’ did not exist; a search on Google would have returned no results. Today the word ‘Pacivida’ was born. Since it came into my life, it has filled my world with purpose and peace, and I am excited to share it with you as I know it can do the same for you.
I am excited for you to join me on this journey. Together, we can discover how this one little word can change your life and touch many others.
What I am certain of is this: as humanity, as a global community, if we aspire to foster greater peace and less conflict, more happiness and less stress and overwhelm, we must embrace personal responsibility to cultivate peace in our lives. We need to pledge and dedicate to practicing Pacivida daily. Through this commitment, together we can create a more peaceful world, one thought, one action, one reaction, one day at a time.
My vision is that together, we can ignite a global movement, enabling people to see their lives in a more peaceful way. The ripple effect of this shift will have a profound and much needed impact around the world.
Maybe it’s the first step towards the ideal of World Peace. What I know for sure is this can only begin if you start by practicing Pacivida to create Peace in Your World.
Together, Let’s Make Peace Go Viral.
Take the first step today: begin your journey with Pacivida by signing up for the Newsletter to learn more, or, if you are ready, by taking the Pacivida Pledge.